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  • 2433thanetaircadets

The Oldest yet Newest Squadron in the RAF Air Cadets!?

2433 Squadron, RAF Air Cadets, has become one of the oldest yet the youngest Squadron in the RAF Air Cadets at the same time. How has this happened?

The Air Training Corps was formed on 5 February 1941 and only a few weeks after the formation number 438 (Thanet) Squadron was formed along with some other squadrons serving the young men of the Isle of Thanet - girls weren't allowed at that time!

After a short time only 438 (Thanet) Squadron remained with a number of detached flights across the isle.

In the 1960s, the Ramsgate detached flight began to expand until the point it became big enough to become a squadron in its own right and so number 2433 (Ramsgate) Squadron was formed.

2433 Squadron was renamed Ramsgate and Manston in honour of its 50th anniversary at which time it also had its badge drawn by the College of Arms.

Regrettably, towards the end of 2021, demands for the accommodation which 2433 Squadron occupied meant that had to vacate with very short notice. When suitable, approved accommodation was not available, the decision was taken to merge 438 and 2433 Squadrons at the Margate headquarters of 438 Squadron.

2433 (Thanet) Squadron stood up on 1 January 2022 after the merger of numbers 438 (Thanet) Squadron and 2433 (Ramsgate and Manston) Squadron. The merger was completed on 1 January 2022 when the newest squadron in the RAF Air Cadets - No. 2433 (Thanet) Squadron was formed.

The first commander of the new squadron is Flight Lieutenant Paul Kundu RAFAC.

We look forward to a great future as the two squadrons work together to become one to offer the young men and women on the Isle of Thanet exciting, challenging and rewarding opportunities.

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